Katalyst Ketamine Assisted Therapy Group: The Perimenopause Edition
April 8 – June 24 online,
In person dates in Abbotsford BC:
May 3, 10, 24
Many women experience perimenopause alone: the lack of information within mainstream medicine and culture has left women feeling ashamed, isolated, confused, and afraid about what it means to experience a changing body again at this stage of life. However, findings from recent research have indicated that group support during the transition, or in anticipation or following the transition supports women to not only experience a reduction in symptoms, simply having other women to journey alongside them helps reduce the severity of symptoms and harness the power of this life-stage change to experience more freedom, confidence, agency, and security in who they are. This 12 week group will meet online on zoom each week on Tuesday nights, and on three occasions will meet in person in Abbotsford, BC to experience group Ketamine assisted therapy. The online content weekly will cover skills for emotional regulation and life-stage transitions, meaningful information about the biological needs and complexities of this time, and will include innovative research meant to empower and illuminate the invitations of the menopausal transition. The medically supported ketamine assisted therapy sessions will create opportunities for the members to join together in facing the challenges and struggles of their internal worlds while creating connection to their secure and confident self. The group will be limited to 8 women who self identify as navigating perimenopause or are newly menopausal (12 months without menstruation) and will be run by Dr Hillary McBride (Registered Psychologist) and Lianne Bjornerud (Nurse Practitioner). Group costs cover weekly online groups, medical intake and psychological intake, and 3 ketamine sits. Travel to/from in person groups will be the responsibility of each group member.
Link to apply here
Appetites and Arousal:
April 26, 2025, Asheville, NC
Training and workshop for clinicians wanting to learn about spiritual trauma, purity culture, and their impacts on eating disorders. CE credits available. Register here
Form and Space
April 25, 2025: 3-530pm
Asheville, NC
Link to register here
Katalyst Ketamine Assisted Therapy Training: Psychedelic skills training for licences clinicians
May 7-9 Abbotsford BC
For information and to register contact katalystmentalhealth@gmail.com
Shalem Network Ministry Mental Health Summit
May 22, 2025- Toronto ON
Details to come.
I love you, I hate you, are you my mom?
A deep dive into transference and countertransference, and how to work with it.
Dr Hillary McBride and Dr Craig Heacock.
Clinical training for therapist (and related professions)
Victoria, BC
May 28-30, 2025
McBride, H. (October, 2022). Mental health and faith workshop, Invited facilitation for Sanctuary Mental Health and Porter’s Gate songwriting retreat. Keats Island, BC.
McBride, H. (September, 2022). Practical approaches to Physician burnout. Invited workshop for Ontario College of Rheumatologists. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (August, 2022). Making friends with fear. Invited presentation for Plywood Presents, Atlanta, Georgia.
McBride, H. (June, 2022).Trauma Support: Understanding and Working With the Neurobiology of Stress in Ourselves and survivors of sexualized violence. Invited workshop for University of Toronto, Online delivery.
McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (June, 2022). Sacred Feminine retreat: An embodiment retreat for women. Hosting, speaking, and group work facilitator. Ojai, California.
McBride, H. (May, 2022). Embodiment in Clinical Practice. Invited lecture for MCO (my counsellor online). Online Delivery.
McBride, H. (May, 2022). Skillfull support: What clergy need to know about trauma. Invited workshop, hosed by White Memorial, Raleigh, North Carolina.
McBride, H. (May, 2022). Healing Together: Understanding trauma and how we heal. Invited community lecture. Raleigh, North Carolina.
McBride, H. (April, 2022). Understanding the Effects of Traumatic stress: How to helps those in our care and classrooms. Invited workshop for Georgia Southern University. Online Delivery.
McBride, H. (March, 2022). Reconnecting to what matters: Practical Skills Workshop to Combat Burnout and Stress for Faculty and Their Learners. Invited workshop for McMaster University. Online Delivery.
McBride, H. (January – December 2022). Clergy growth and development group: A process group for clergy. Group facilitator for monthly process group. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (December, 2021). Embodiment and Body Image. Invited workshop for Jade Beall Sacred Body Wisdom Group. Online Delivery.
McBride, H.& Gungor, L. (December, 2021). Sacred Feminine retreat: An embodiment retreat for women. Hosting, speaking, and group work facilitator. Langley, BC.
McBride, H. (October, 2021). Lean In: The Art of Embracing Difficult Conversations. Invited workshop for South Community Birth Program, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (October, 2021). An Evening on Emotions. Soul Games, Women’s stream. Online Delivery.McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (September, 2021). Sacred Feminine retreat: An embodiment retreat for women. Hosting, speaking, and group work facilitator. Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. & Joseph, A. (May, 2021). Accelerated into the self: The drive towards self-righting and personal growth during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), online delivery.
McBride, H. & Lindsey, R. (May, 2021). The invitation of pain: A four week workshop for those with chronic pain. Workshop developer and facilitator. Online Delivery.
Joseph, A. & McBride, H. (May, 2021). Practicing AEDP during the COVID-19 pandemic to decrease patient aloneness and increase resilience. Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), online delivery.
McBride, H. (April, 2021). Skills and science of survivors of Sexual assault. Invited Keynote address for the Homelessness Services Association of British Columbia (HSABC) training seminar. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (April, 2021). Men, masculinity, and emotional health: Exploring and experiencing a new framework for emotionally healthy masculinity. Invited workshop for Soul Games Men’s growth group. Nashville, TN. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (April, 2021). Women’s experiences of embodiment across the lifespan. Invited workshop for Soul Games Women’s growth group. Nashville, TN. Online delivery.
McBride, H. & Lindsey, R. (March, 2021). The invitation of pain: A four week workshop for those with chronic pain. Workshop developer and facilitator. Online Delivery.
McBride, H. (February, 2021). Managing high stress situation. Invited presentation for Homelessness Services of British Columbia (HSABC), delivered via video conferencing, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (February 2021). Building a healthy relationship with grief: Exploring and experiencing loss together. Workshop developer and host. Invited workshop for the staff of 10th Avenue Alliance. Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (January, 2021). Sacred Feminine retreat: An embodiment retreat for women. Hosting, speaking, and group work facilitator. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (January – December, 2021). Clergy growth and development group: A process group for clergy. Group facilitator for weekly process group. Online delivery.McBride, H. (December, 2020). Embodied Advent: Power, oppression, and the body. Keynote address/homily, Artisan Church, Vancouver, BC. Online delivery
McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (December, 2020). Movement and Connection: An online sacred feminine gathering. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (November, 2020). Embodiment, advent, and the incarnation. Keynote address/homily, Artisan Church, Vancouver, BC. Online delivery
McBride, H. (November, 2020). Restoring and protecting your emotional health. An invited online training for those in ministry. Hosted by Canadian Baptists of Western Canada. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (October, 2020). Coming home to ourselves, to care for others. Keynote address for the annual training meeting for British Columbia Society of Transition Houses. Online delivery
McBride, H. (October, 2020). Supporting survivors of sexual assault. Keynote address and training for Homelessness Services Association of British Columbia (HSABC). Online delivery.
McBride, H. (October, 2020). Being mothered, and mothering: A day retreat for mothers to examine their relationships with their mothers, and the mothering of their children. Retreat presented by Mom Who Works Oklahoma, Online delivery.
McBride, H. (October, 2020). A mother-daughter love-story in four chapters. Keynote Address for Mom Who Works Oklahoma, Online delivery.
McBride, H. (October, 2020). Reclaiming the Body. Guest speaker for The Reclaiming Home Course led by Ashley Lemieux, and Ruthie Lindsey. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (September, 2020). Dear Body, I’m sorry, can we be friend? Keynote address for Fierce Hearts Club- UK, Online delivery.
McBride, H. (August, 2020). The Unbecoming: How to undo all the the things we learned we had to be to be loved. Keynote talk, Annual LA Yellow Conference. Online delivery.
Mcbride, H. & Borden, K. (June, 2020). New Story Run Workshop: An online workshop about telling a new story about running and exercise. Online delivery.
McBride, H. &Gungor, L. (June an July, 2020). Sacred Feminine Online Gathering. Hosts, interviewers, organizers for an online conference. Online delivery.
McBride, H. (April, 2020). Supporting others well in a time of stress, anxiety, and panic: Recommendations for leaders in faith communities during the coronavirus pandemic. Workshop provided for Centre for Congregations, delivered online via video conferencing, Fort Wayne, IN
McBride, H. (April, 2020). Well-being and caring for your community during the coronavirus pandemic. Workshop provided for 10th Avenue Alliance, delivered online via video conferencing, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (April, 2020). Managing high stress situation. Invited presentation for Homelessness Services of British Columbia (HSABC), delivered via video conferencing, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (March, 2020). Supporting others well in a time of stress, anxiety, and panic: Recommendations for leaders in faith communities during the coronavirus pandemic. Workshop provided for Centre for Congregations, delivered online via video conferencing, Fort Wayne, IN.
McBride, H. (February, 2020). Women and Body Image: Learning to love ourselves as we are. Event for Candler School of Theology and and First Presbyterian Church Atlanta, GA.
McBride, H. (February, 2020). Spirituality of the body: Why embodiment matters for emotions, empathy, and justice. Invited Keynote presentation at TheoEd talks, Atlanta, GA.
Mcbride, H. & Borden, K. (February, 2020). New Story Run Workshop: Instead of a new years body, let’s tell a new story about running and exercise. Vancouver, BC.
Mcbride, H. & Borden, K. (January, 2020). New Story Run Workshop: Instead of a new years body, let’s tell a new story about running and exercise. Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H., Hedlund, M., & Erochina, B. (January, 2020). The Way home: A retreat for women with spiritual wounds and spiritual trauma. Island of Hawaii, Hawaii.McBride, H., Staniforth, N., Erickson, S., Kroon, K. (2019, November). A night of wonders: Recovering what we have lost as adults. Austin, Texas.
McBride, H. (2019, November). Body and Spirit: What it means to be both, and why that matters for everything. Invited Keynote address. Hope College, Holland, Michigan.
McBride, H. (2019, October). What Feminist Psychology has to teach us about about thriving as women in the workplace. Invited workshop, at Masterclass Leadership Retreat, hosted by Aitken Training. Whistler, BC.
McBride, H. (2019, October). Healing our relationship with ourselves: Understanding the role of self-care in spirituality. Invited keynote lecture. London, UK.
McBride, H. & Borden, K. (2019, September). The Running Safari, Embodiment Edition. Women’s running retreat: Event creators, speakers, facilitators. Tanzania, Africa.
McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (2019, August). Sacred Feminine: Women’s retreat. Event creators, speakers, facilitators. Saltspring Island, BC.
McBride, H. (2019, July). Embodied: Rediscovering the Good and Sacred Body. Invited workshop at Wild Goose Festival. Hotsprings, North Carolina.
Kroon, K., Staniforth, N., Erickson, S. & McBride, H. (2019, June). The Age of Attention: Recovering all the things we have lost as adults. Portland, Oregon.
McBride, H. (2019, June). Sexuality for the postpartum mother. Paper presentation at the Perinatal Support International Conference, Portland, Oregon.
McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (2019, June). Sacred Feminine: Women’s retreat. Event creators, speakers, facilitators. Ojai, CA.
McBride, H., Gungor, M, & McHargue, M. (2019, May). KIN: Men’s retreat. Workshop facilitator for Men’s retreat- deconstructing toxic masculinity and patriarchy, Ojai, California.
McBride, H.(2019, May). Wellbeing as women: Spiritual practices as part of our well-being from a psychological perspective. Keynote address The Collective Annual Women’s Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia.
McBride, H.(2019, May). “The why and how of Fear: Understanding and responding to fear”, Keynote address The Collective, Jakarta, Indonesia.
McBride, H. (2019, February). “Unmasking fear”, Keynote address at Inspired For Life Women’s conference, Kansas City, Kansas.
McBride, H. (2019, February). “Dancing with Fear” Keynote address at Inspired For Life Women’s conference, Kansas City, Kansas.
McBride, H. (2019, February). “Sex, Sexuality, and Faith”. Conversation with Adam Hamilton at Church of the Resurrection. Kansas City, Kansas.
McBride, H., Gungor, M., & McHargue, M. (2019, January). KIN:Men’s retreat. Workshop Facilitator for Men’s retreat- deconstructing toxic masculinity and patriarchy. Ojai, California.McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (2018, December). Sacred Feminine: Women’s retreat. Event creators, speakers, and facilitators. Ojai, CA.
McBride, H. (2018, December). Fear, talk at the Liturgists gathering and live podcast recording. Nashville, Tennessee.
McBride, H. (2018, November). Deeper: In Body. Keynote speaker and retreat facilitator for women’s embodiment retreat. Chilliwack, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, November). Women, God, and Body. Keynote speaker and retreat leader for women’s embodied faith and feminism retreat, A Rocha, Surrey, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, November). “Family inheritance: What do do when we want to be different than our parents”, live podcast recording of Other People’s Problems at Hot Docs Podcast Festival. Toronto, ON.
McBride, H., Gungor, M., & McHargue, M. (2018, October). KIN:Men’s retreat. Workshop Facilitator for Men’s retreat- deconstructing toxic masculinity and patriarchy. Los Angeles, California.
McBride, H. (2018, September). Out of Hiding: A workshop on healing shame. Invited workshop at MOMCON, annual MOPS conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
McBride, H. (2018, September). Shame. Invited keynote presentation at MOMCON, annual MOPS conference, Louisville, Kentucky.
McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (2018, August). Sacred Feminine: Women’s retreat. Event creators, speakers, and facilitators. Ojai, CA.
McBride, H.,& Launeanu, M, & Kwee, J. (August, 2018). Re-connecting with one’s body: Promoting embodied well-being and flourishing. In-congress professional development workshop at the Biennial conference for the International Network on Personal Meaning, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (August, 2018). Spirituality and the body: The role of spirituality in embodiment, body dissatisfaction, and eating disorder prevention and treatment. Paper presentation at the Biennial conference for the International Network on Personal Meaning, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, July). Coming home: Learning how to be at home in the body you’re already in. Embodiment/Body Image workshop for Artisan Church. Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, July). Coming home: Learning how to be at home in the body you’re already in. Embodiment/Body Image workshop in partnership with Nettles Tale and The Juice Truck. Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, June). Spiritual Trauma. Featured speaker: Keynote address. 10th church, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. & McHargue, M. “Science Mike”. (2018, June). Radical Inclusion: How does it impact our brains, bodies, communities, and faith? Featured speakers, Event hosted by St. James Anglican Church, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, June). In Body: Mind, Body, Heart workshop for women. Keynote speaker, event sponsored by Re.Pose and The Refinery, Abbotsford, BC.
McBride, H. & Gungor, L. (2018, June). Sacred Feminine: Women’s retreat. Event creators, speakers, and facilitators. Ojai, CA.
McBride, H.(2018, May). Coming Home: Learning how to be at home in the body you’re already in. Embodiment/Body Image workshop hosted by Nettles Tale and The Juice Truck, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, May). Trauma Skills Training. Workshop for leaders in Faith Communities. Hosted by Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, April). Loving your Post-Baby Body. Featured Speaker: Mama Mondays Speaker Series, hosted by The Juice Truck, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, March). Spiritual Trauma. Featured speaker: keynote address. Sanctuary Mental Health speaker series, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, February). Embodiment: The intersection of spirituality, neuroscience, philosophy, and feminism. Keynote address, The Embodied Woman, hosted by SheLoves Magazine. Maple Ridge, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, February). What is Eating Disorder Recovery? Invited speaker, South Fraser Eating Disorder Program, Delta, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, January). Understanding disordered eating: What we need to know to prevent and treat eating disorders like Orthorexia. Invited Presentation for Provincial Eating Disorder Awareness Week, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2018, January). Mothering and Being Mothered. Invited presentation for Grace Club Vancouver. Vancouver, BC.McBride, H. (2017, December). Kids and Body Image. Invited workshop at Chorus and Clouds. Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2017, November). Birth and Trauma: when trauma happens during birth, and how past trauma impacts birth. Invited presentation at Richmond General Hospital. Richmond, BC.
McBride, H. (2017, November). God and Body: the intersection of spirituality and body image. Invited presentation at St. Peters Fireside, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2017, November). The stories we tell ourselves and each other as women. Invited presentation to the Feminism and Psychology discussion night, Langley, BC.
McBride, H. (2017, November). Loving Me: My mind, my body, my world. Invited presentation at Little Flower Academy, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2017, October). Shame. Invited presentation at the Liturgists Gathering, Seattle, WA.
McBride, H. and Dargie, E. (2017, August). Sex and sexuality in the postpartum period. Inservice training at BC Women’s hospital, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2017, June). Raising feminist kids. Invited presentation at Chorus and Clouds, Vancouver, BC.
Kwee, J. and McBride, H. (2017, June). Being ‘woman’ and ‘mother’ in the postpartum period: Addressing the silence and struggle through an innovative sexual health intervention program. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting for the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
McBride, H. (2017, June). Taking up space: Mid-life women’s relationships with their bodies. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting for the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.
McBride, H. (2017, April). How to support sexual assault survivors on campus. Invited presentation and workshop at Bishops University for faculty, staff, and students, Sherbrooke, QC.
McBride, H. (2017, April). Women’s sexual health in the postpartum period. Invited presentation at the Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR) Conference, Montreal, QC.
Olson, S. and McBride, H. (2017, March). Women’s Postpartum Sexual Health. Presentation at Sexual Health 2017, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2017, February). The psychosocial impact of early pregnancy loss, and the role of the family physician. Invited keynote presentation at the UBC Division of Family Practice Continuing Professional Development event. Vancouver, BC.McBride, H. (2016, December). Featured Guest, Sex and Spirituality, The Inglorious Pasterds Podcast, ingloriouspasterds.podbean.cm
McBride, H. (2016, September). The psychosocial impact of early pregnancy loss, and the role of the family physician. Invited keynote presentation at the UBC Division of Family Practice Continuing Professional Development event. Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2016, September). Developing positive body image in girls and women. Invited presentation at the South Fraser Eating Disorder Treatment Program. Surrey, BC.
McBride, H. (2016, August). Body Image and Embodiment among Midlife Women: A review of the current literature. Poster presentation at the meeting of the American Psychology Association convention, Denver, CO.
McBride, H. (2016, July). The social construction of women, body image, research, and practice. Guest on the radio show The Storytelling Show: Women’s storytelling in all its variations- Vancouver co-op radio, Vancouver, BC.
Kwee, J. and McBride, H. (2016, June). Clinical and Research implications of conceptualizing eating disorders through an embodied feminist-existential lens. Paper presentation at the meeting of the Canadian Psychology Association, Victoria, BC.
McBride, H. (2016, February). What went right: Young women who loves their bodies. Invited presentation for The Looking Glass ‘Something’s Gotta Give’ Public Rally to End Eating Disorders. Vancouver, BC.McBride, H., Kwee, J., and Launeanu, M. (2015, June). Promoting resiliency through embodiment: conceptually and empirically grounded approaches for working with the body in eating disorder prevention and treatment. Workshop at the meeting of the Canadian Psychology Association, Ottawa, ON.
Kwee, J., McBride, H., and Howatson, R. (2015, June). Pregnancy and postpartum mental health: Ecological influences on mothers’ wellbeing. Presented at the Section for Women and Psychology pre-conference workshop at the meeting of the Canadian Psychology Association, Ottawa, ON.
McBride, H. (May, 2015). Boundaries in relationships. Invited presentation at South Community Birth Program and South Hill Family Health Center New-Mothers support group, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2015, February). Marriage and intimate relationships, after having a baby. Invited presentation at South Community Birth Program and South Hill Family Health Center New-Mothers support group, Vancouver, BC.
McBride, H. (2015, February). Managing high stress situations in perinatal care in acute community settings. Invited presentation at Kwantlen Polytechnic University- Nursing program, Langley, BC.
Kwee, J. and McBride, H. (2015, February). Violence isn’t sexy: Description and discussion of landscape of sexual violence. Invited presentation at Trinity Western University, Langley, BC.McBride, H. (2014, November). Psychological trauma and the perinatal period. Invited presentation at BC Women’s Hospital, Fir Square Lecture Series, Vancouver, BC.
McDonald, M., Laneanau, M., McBride, H., and Wall, J. (2014, July). Thick Psychometrics: Personal construct theory, contextual assessment, and alternative methodologies for counselling practice research. Symposium presentation at the meeting of the International Network of Personal Meaning, Vancouver BC.
McBride, H. and Kwee, J. (2014, July). Mothers’ and daughters’ voices: Listening to body image transmission and transformation. Poster Presentation at the meeting of the International Network of Personal Meaning, Vancouver BC
McBride, H. (2014, June). Psychosocial support for ‘high-risk’ pregnant and postpartum women. Invited lecture at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langley, BC.
McBride, H., Weins, R., Chan, E., and Cox, D. (2014, June). Validity evidence of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: A review. Poster Presentation at the meeting of the Canadian Psychology Association, Vancouver BC.
Kwee, J., McBride, H., and Webb, K. (2014, June). Mothers’ voices on perinatal wellbeing: Exploring helping and hindering factors. Symposium Presentation at the meeting of the Canadian Psychology Association, Vancouver BC.
McBride, H. (2014, May). Mothers, Daughters and Bodies: Intergenerational influences on healthy embodiment. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Counselling Psychology Association, Victoria BC.
McBride, H., Kwee, J., and Wolf, L (2014, February). Meeting psychosocial needs in perinatal care: Modes for multidisciplinary collaborations. Paper presentation at first annual conference on Healthy mothers, Healthy babies: New research and best practice, Vancouver, BC.
Kwee, J. and McBride, H. (2014, February). Women’s experiences of perinatal wellbeing: helping and hindering factors. Paper presentation at first annual conference on Healthy mothers, Healthy babies: New research and best practice, Vancouver, BC.McBride, H. (2013, July). Body dissatisfaction in women: Understanding the cultural landscape. Lecture at Misericordia Child and Family Development Center, Semarang, Indonesia.
McBride, H. (2013, July). Narrative therapy: Theory and clinical intervention. Lecture at Misericordia Child and Family Development Center, Semarang, Indonesia.
McBride, H. (2013, July). Eating Disorders: Understanding causes, symptoms and treatment strategies. Lecture at Misericordia Child and Family Development Center, Semarang, Indonesia.