Pre-order the Holy Hurt Book!

Understand what happened and how you can heal your spiritual trauma

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Pre-order the
Holy Hurt Book!

Holy Hurt: Understanding Spiritual Trauma and the Process of Healing - Dr. Hillary McBride
Includes 9 Exercises & Practical Tools
Clinically Informed IconClinically informed
Compassionate IconCompassionate
Comprehensive IconComprehensive

It really happened. This book affirms and names what you’ve been trying to make sense of for years.

When you read Holy Hurt, you will truly understand how spiritual trauma has impacted you and our communities at large.

Through a unique blend of clinical insights, research findings, and authentic stories, you’ll find your religious trauma validated and receive practical paths to find healing.

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This book is for you if you’re...
  • Processing your own spiritual trauma
  • A mental health professional working with religious/spiritual trauma
  • A religious leader seeking to create safer communities
  • Interested in preventing institutional abuse

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Hear why Dr. Hillary McBride wrote this book for you

Get the Holy Hurt Recovery Resources

When you pre-order Holy Hurt by April 14th, you can download Dr. Hillary McBride’s Recovery Resources, which include:

  • Two meditations you can use to help you feel grounded and held.
  • A reading group guide because so much healing happens in community. This guide will help you host a book club, lead a class, or work with clients as they read the book.
  • An embodiment practices guide to help you connect with your body.
  • Coloring pages you can print out and use to soothe after reading.
  • A 40% discount on The Wisdom of Your Body and Practices of Embodied Living for additional healing.

To receive these resources, submit your name, email, and the receipt number (or retailer name) for your book purchase in the form below, and we’ll send you the download link.

Holy Hurt Podcast Thumbnail

Did you know there’s a Holy/Hurt podcast?


Hillary partnered with Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries (shout out to Dan and Leslie and their entire team) to create the podcast which led to the creation of the book you’ll have in your hands. You can listen to it now wherever you listen to podcasts.

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How Holy Hurt Has Helped

About Dr. Hillary McBride

About Dr. Hillary McBride - Profile Photo Mobile

Hillary McBride is a registered psychologist and an award-winning researcher. She is the author of the best-selling book The Wisdom Of Your Body, and the award winning podcast Other People’s Problems and Holy/Hurt podcasts, both featured in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal as essential listening.

Since her days as co-host on the wildly influential Liturgists Podcast, she has been trusted across the globe for conversations about embodiment, mental health and spirituality, and has been named a pioneering voice in the field of religious and spiritual trauma. She is a sought after speaker and retreat leader across the globe, teaching about spiritual trauma and creating healing spaces from pews to the boardroom.

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About Dr. Hillary McBride - Profile Photo


How is the book different from the podcast?
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The Holy Hurt Podcast was an important influence on the work of the Holy Hurt Book. If you heard the podcast, you might recognize some of the themes, ideas, contributors, or stories, however the book is a more refined, organized, and updated version of that material. Since Sanctuary first produced Holy Hurt, I have grown in my understanding of these ideas and what the journey of healing could or might look like and what might help us on that path- I have taken what I've learned and added it to the book with the hope that whether you are new to the material or heard it first on the podcast, that there is something meaningful for you to engage with.

I have been hurt by religion, will this book contain any religious material?
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In the writing of this book it was important to ensure readers that there are no surprise religious maneuvers waiting for you, no secret altar calls, no pressure to reclaim a faith that hurt you, and no language to over-spiritualize your pain. The book is written with survivors of spiritual trauma in mind, from the perspective of a trauma psychologist. While sharing about experiences that have impacted me personally, and including experiences and stories from others who have experienced spiritual trauma in religious contexts, references to religious material are narrative in nature and meant to share about people's lived experiences of what harmed them.

I am religious and do not identify as having spiritual trauma, will I be able to read the book?
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Unlike many other resources about religious trauma or spiritual trauma in religious contexts, this book will hold a nuanced perspective on experiences of religion and religious identity. Instead of making claims that all religion is bad, or that one religion is right, the book is meant to help the reader understand trauma, as it is lived and known by those who experience it. My hope is to create a hospitable experience for any reader, to help them connect with their own story compassionately and in an embodied way. When we can be connected to ourselves in a holistic way, turning towards our pain and the pain of others, I believe we can more fully and wholeheartedly engage with the religious practices and community we hold dear.

Are you taking on new clients?
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I am not currently accepting new patients, and my waitlist is full. However, I do run and supervise ketamine assisted- group therapy and train clinicians in psychadelic assisted psychotherapy through Katalyst Mental health ( and I also supervise clinicians at Repose Therapy (

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Holy Hurt is a love letter to you that took
8 years to arrive.

I cannot wait for you to have it in your hands on April 15th.

Wherever you are from and whatever you have been through, this book is written to help make sense of why there is so much pain, and what we can do to mend.

You are not alone.

We are the hurt. We are the holy.

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Hillary L McBride
When we are struggling in life, feeling stuck, hurt, confused, or alone, we all deserve a place to talk with someone who we know will not judge or shame us, but instead who will walk alongside us and help us create change, finding our hope and strength.
Professional Affiliations

British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC)
Canadian Psychological Association
American Psyhological Association
South Community Birth Program
South Hill Family Health Centre
Altus Psychological Services
Becker Burrows and Associates
University of British Columbia

Hillary L McBride, PhD
Registered Psychologist
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Counselling. Speaking. Writing. Research
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